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Showing posts from January, 2019

What might come true in world of thrones next season

Crypts of Winter-fell Winter is Finally upon us World's most famous TV series is all set to hit the ground again on April 14th 2019. This HBO Epic fantasy drama is based on popular Novel series by George R. R. Martin named "A Song Of Ice And Fire". The series aired in 2011 for the first time with every coming season in consecutive years it became a global phenomenon. Game of thrones has aired seven season and is about to return one final time for its final season.  As the defending wall of the Westeros is now down and the Night king with an army of around a hundred thousand deadmen plus one bad-ass dragon is approaching to hit the seven kingdoms hard and our hero Jon Snow is ready to give him a tough fight with northern armies combined with the unsullied, dothraki and not to forget Dany's two dragons. There are a few things that we expect to see before this TV adaptation to Martin's novel come to an end.  Here I'm gonna be discussing some...